As a stats junkie, I've been tracking my visitors to my website in a limited fashion, as well watching my AdSense stats. I don't want to violate my AdSense terms of service, so I'm not going to get into specifics here. I'm still building up my blogsite(s) traffic, so I cannot come to any concrete conclusions, but I've noticed something interesting to date. It seems that of my three blogs with the highest ad impressions, the one with the lowest impressions is bringing me the most earnings. And I'm saying "most" very loosely as I've got a ways to go yet. Not even enough for postage to snailmail a letter to my grandmother telling her what I'm up to :)
What does this all mean? Why nothing of course. As I said, I'm still building my traffic. In the meantime, I'm following the advice of Dr. Marsha Sinetar, from her excellent book,
Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow. This book has helped me countless times over the years, while I trying to choose my careers. I have yet to decide if blogging will be my final career choice.
(c) Copyright 2005-present, Raj Kumar Dash,
http://blogspinner.blogspot.com Technorati : adsense, blogging, professional blogging